Friday, November 4, 2022

Installing New relic PHP agent in AWS EC2 ARM64 Graviton family


Installing New Relic PHP agent is very simple. Once we upgraded the instance to the AWS EC2 arm64 family, we were unable to install php agent using the usual steps. When we dug around, we found the following link, which solved our issue.

Following the steps that we followed to install in the Amazon linux 2 instance I hope it will be helpful for others.

1.       SSH to an EC2 instance

2.       In the root folder, create a new folder called “newrelic”

mkdir newrelic

3.       Get into the newly created folder

cd newrelic

4.       As per above mentioned link new relic php agent code is available in the following github path

Clone new relic php agent code to compile. Run the following command in the command prompt
 git colne php agent to compile for arm64

5.       Once the code is cloned, a new folder called “newrelic-php-agent” will be created in the cloned folder. Get into that folder to compile the source code

cd newrelic-php-agent/


6.       Follow the following steps to compile and install the new relic php agent

a.       Run sudo make all in the newrelic-php-agent folder to build. it will take a few minutes

b.       Once it is compiled, run sudo make agent-install

c.       Run the following command to create log folder

sudo mkdir /var/log/newrelic

d.       Run the following command to give full permission to the log folder

sudo chmod 777 /var/log/newrelic

e.       Run the following command to copy deamon file to the appropriate folder

sudo cp bin/daemon /usr/bin/newrelic-daemon 


7.        Copy newrelic.ini file to php ini path. In amazon linux, additional php ini are stored in /etc/php.d/

a.       To find out ini file path location. Run following command

To find additional ini file path:  php --ini | grep 'additional'

To find ini file path:  php --ini | grep ' Configuration File'

To copy newrelic.ini file to the appropriate path run the following command

sudo cp agent/scripts/newrelic.ini.template /etc/php.d/30-newrelic.ini

8.       Once newrelic.ini copied, edit the file and change the  following parameters

a.       To edit file, run the following command

vi /etc/php.d/30-newrelic.ini

b.       Update the following parameters and save

Add a valid license key to the line newrelic.license = "INSERT_YOUR_LICENSE_KEY".          

Change the application name that's shown in on the line newrelic.appname = "PHP Application"


9.       Once everything is done, run the following command to restart php,httpd servers and start new relic service

sudo systemctl restart httpd.service

sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

/usr/bin/newrelic-daemon start


 The above steps will be helpful to install the new relic php agent. If you encounter any issue, the following link will be helpful to troubleshoot

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